Friday, February 10, 2012

Adsense Keywords

Just like any other niche, choosing the right keyword to begin with is very important in this method as well. Before you jump to the google adwords keywords tool, use your brain and think of keywords first. Say, you think of 'data entry jobs in new zealand' Now why I asked you to think? Because I want you to get into the mindset of a job seeker and come up with a sample search term, because we will dig into this search term and we can get huge number of keyword ideas. So now we will just see what the Adwords Keywords Tool has for us

Adsense Keywords

As you can see there are so many variations of these job related keywords, and do not worry about the low search count and low cpc as we won't be building micro niche sites. We will be dealing with heavy traffic which will compensate for the low cpc. Now we will choose any one keyword and see which are the top websites.

adsense keywords

This is what I am talking about, as you can see the top website acquires not only the first spot but also the second spot in google's listing. Even you can do the same. Next step, we will check more details about the top site on

Adsense Keywords

The image that you are seeing above is taken from alexa and you can see there are so many tempting keywords to use. These keywords are the search terms through which that site is getting
most of it's organic traffic. You might think that how will your come up with content for each
of these keywords as some of these aren't even big keywords for writing articles, but don't worry as we proceed with this course, everything will become clear. So now we've seen the keywords, we've also seen how a site has double rankings. Now we will buy a domain for our website.